Remembering Sr. Monique
By Martin Glynn
On October 4, in St. Mary’s Garden, we planted a “Quick Fire” Hydrangea tree in memory of our beloved Sr. Monique, who passed away exactly two months ago to the day.
Mother Provincial Maria Christine and Sr. Therese Marie from St. Joseph’s Home in Palatine, and Brother Ian Ross Grant, OFM, from St. Joseph’s Friary in Chicago, joined our Mother Julie and community of Little Sisters in prayer and joyful song, along with Residents, Resident family members, staff, and friends, to remember, honor, and celebrate Sr. Monique and her long life of loving service to our Heavenly Father and his eldest children, our seniors.
Laury Lewis, an Advisory Council member and avid gardener, not only donated the sapling, but he put spade to soil to plant this tree variety that showcases vibrant white, cone-shaped blooms in late May. The real show for the “Quick Fire” begins later, as these white flowers change color, fading through pink to a rich, dark rose lasting into the fall.
At one point in the ceremony, a hummingbird graced our presence, hovering in midair before flitting away. Attracted by the colorful array of fragrant flowers, the dainty, delicate creature fittingly appeared on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, whose Canticle of the Creatures inspires us to live in praise of our Creator and with respect for all creation.
Remembering Sr. Monique