You’ll Be Floored!
By Martin Glynn
We take pride in St. Mary’s Home, because it is truly our home. While caring for our dear Residents, we also tend to our “house.” Our staff goes to great lengths to ensure that all the nooks and crannies receive the spic-and-span treatment. A clean home makes for a happy home, and a sparkling, shiny floor is a sure step in the right direction.
So in October, our housekeeping staff cleared our main dining hall and set to work on stripping off the old and applying a new coat of wax. Under the watchful eye Willie House—the aptly surnamed Head of Housekeeping—Juan DeLos Santos and Cristian DeLeon scrubbed and scraped, mopped and rinsed, and scoured some more, ably aided by Kevin Swider, Bud Riley, and Jonathan Todd.
While the dedicated crew was hard at work, our Residents were moved to the auditorium to eat their meals. The change in venue and routine created a bit of a stir at first, but Residents quickly took this small inconvenience of a few days in stride.
After a lot of elbow grease, persistence, and patience, the housekeeping staff stripped the floor clean and then applied a new coat of wax, buffed up to a beautiful sheen. With a quick glance of satisfaction for a job well done, they cleared away the scrubbers and polishers, the mops and buckets, and put the buffet station and dining tables and chairs back in perfect order.
A refreshed and sparkling dining space soon welcomed our happy Residents, who were simply floored by the transformation!
You’ll Be Floored!