Prayers and Donations for Ukraine
The hearts of all in St. Mary’s Home and Jugan Terrace have been moved by the tragedy in war-torn Ukraine. Over the past couple weeks, Mother Margaret Charles has led the community in prayer each morning to pray for peace and protection for the people of Ukraine. Residents of Jugan Terrace went a step further to offer a prayer service in honor of their Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
As there is a need for both prayer and action, donations have been pouring in since March 1. It all began with t-shirt sales and free will offerings. The days following included collections of essential items for families, especially women and children. The proceeds from bake sales and an upcoming fish fry will all be given to those in need. We continue to pray for all the people of Ukraine that the Lord may protect and comfort them. Mary, Queen of Peace, take care of your suffering children.
Sending Prayers and Donations