Happy Birthday, St. Jeanne Jugan!
October is a particularly important month for the Little Sisters of the Poor. We celebrate three significant dates for St. Jeanne Jugan, our Mother Foundress: October 3, the anniversary of her beatification in 1982; October 11, the anniversary of her canonization in 2009; and October 25, her birthday in 1792.
This year would have been her 229th birthday, and we didn’t want the day to slip by without an acknowledgment of this special occasion!
In the morning—a brisk and windy morning—several Residents and staff members joined together with St. Ann outdoors to celebrate her birthday and the mission she inspired to care for and serve our elders in great need.
A beautiful and full bouquet of flowers was presented to adorn the statue of our Mother Foundress that stands before Jugan Terrace to welcome our Residents and their families and friends. Her kindly gaze offers reassurance, calm, and hope.
After leading the assembled in robust singing of “Happy Birthday,” Sr. Ann encouraged everyone to head to the lobby to indulge in pumpkin spiced coffee and apple cider donuts—just the thing to warm up on a chilly autumn morning.
St. Jeanne Jugan’s Birthday