Thank you, Knights!
Thank you to our amazing Knights of Columbus!
During these uncertain, challenging, and often disheartening times created by the coronavirus pandemic, we Little Sisters are truly blessed by the goodness and generosity of others. Their desire and deeds to assist us truly lift spirits and fill our hearts with joy and gratitude.
One such generous deed occurred this past Monday, June 8th. St. Mary’s Home was in need of paper products of all kinds, and the Knights of Columbus of St. Michael the Archangel, Patron of Police, Council #12173 pulled up to our doors with boxes and boxes and boxes of cups, plates, napkins, and more! These hardy and hearty fellows came, and they certainly delivered, pausing only long enough for a quick photograph.
All of us at St. Mary’s Home wish to express our deepest thanks to the Knights of Columbus for this generous donation. The work of the Knights of Columbus is indeed a vivid demonstration of “faith in action.”
Thank you, Knights!