Sprouting Beauty at St. Mary’s Home
Written by Maureen Moran, Scout parent from the neighborhood
Friday, June 23, 2017
This year I volunteered to find a location for my son’s scout den to identify a project to fulfill its Fellowship and Duty to God requirements. I chose St. Mary’s because we live in the neighborhood and my cousin, who is familiar with the home, recommended it.
Although we have done service projects for other organizations like Catholic Charities this would be the first time the group has helped seniors.
The Sisters asked if we could time the project to be completed for Sister Maria De La Luz’s 25th anniversary that was taking place on Saturday, May 13, 100th anniversary of the Blessed Virgin Mary apparition in Fatima, Portugal. Christian Mellon, leader of Bear Scout Den 9, part of Pack 3079 of the Founders District and avid gardener guided the Scouts through the process.
With the support of contributions from the other parents and a generous donation by the Sullivan Ltd. law firm, the boys to proceed with their project. A week before the big event, we gathered in the garden to receive their instructions. Each was assigned a planting container or area that they cleaned before planting a mix of seedlings (sunflower and cleome), annuals, perennials and bulbs including elephant ears, dahlias, mandevilla vines, lavender trees, lilies, marigolds and a variety of sun and shade flowers.
The Sisters’ garden will be featured in the upcoming Sheffield Garden Walk and Musical Festival taking place July 22 and 23. They hope to be able to lead some of the tours to “show off” their hard work.
The boys had “fun getting dirty and helping people!”
The Scouts and the school look forward to collaborating with the Little Sisters of the Poor on planting and other service projects in the future.
“Doing a Good Turn”