“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
We had a fun treat Tuesday morning when 31 students arrived from St. Andrew’s School to join us for a few rounds of bingo among other activities. No, the kids were not skipping class; their visit was part of their annual community outreach day giving them an opportunity to develop the school’s core values of spirit, study and service.
When the two 6th grade classes discussed where they wanted to go for their school outing, lucky for us they decided that they wanted to meet their neighbors at St. Mary’s Home. And although it was not planned, the students’ visit came the day before St. Andrew’s feast day.
In addition to the games, the students got to serve and socialize with the Residents.
We all got to chuckle watching the excitement on the faces of the kids as they were invited to go to the front of the auditorium to call the numbers.
Our Residents were happy to share their love of bingo because it is fun for all ages and a great way to interact with volunteers.
Photo: St. Andrews’ student Jo and Resident Dolores Saracino make a great team.
Bingo B-4 School!