Sr. Agathe’s Memorial
May 6th started out overcast and slightly chilly for a mid-spring day. But thankfully the clouds parted and the sun began to peek between the passing and thinning clouds and take off some of the chill—all just in time for our Residents, Little Sisters, and staff to gather for a special moment of prayer, poetry, and joyful song.
On the one-year anniversary of the passing of Sister Agathe, all came to witness the planting of a lovely purple hydrangea in our courtyard to remember, honor, and celebrate this gentle soul and her long life of tireless service to our loving Father and to His eldest children, our Residents. To the many lives she touched over the years, the unforgettable irrepressible Sister Agathe never failed to bring abundant cheer and induce broad and grateful smiles.
Born in Denver, Sister Agathe grew up with two sisters and nine brothers, one of whom became a Jesuit priest. A fan of the White Sox, she enjoyed keeping up with her favorite team. By all accounts, she had a pretty mean fastball—a good arm she attributed to playing so many games with her brothers.
Coming from such a full house, Sister Agathe seemed at home with a large family: The Little Sisters of the Poor. For over seven decades she faithfully served in this chosen family, working in several different Homes across the country, now and again assuming the role of Mother Superior. Well loved by all, Sister Agathe had a profound and lasting impact on everyone lucky enough to come in contact with her.
Laury Lewis, an Advisory Council member and avid gardener, was on hand to plant the hydrangea, whose vibrant blooms will continually remind us of our dear Sister Agathe and the quiet beauty she brought to our world.
Sr. Agathe’s Memorial