A Special Thanks to Our Benefactors
By Madeleine Wilmsen
“What gratitude we owe to our benefactors! What could we do for our dear aged without them? Let us pray fervently for them.” – St. Jeanne Jugan
The Little Sisters of the Poor rely on the generous donations of others to take care of the Residents at St. Mary’s Home each day. But each holiday season, our Home tries to show its appreciation with everyone’s favorite treat: cookies! Sisters, staff, and Residents all chipped in last month baking cookies and wrapping baskets of treats for our dear benefactors, those caring local businesses that provide the food we serve.
Sr. Maria Francis and Sr. Juliana traveled around Chicago visiting and presenting the festive holiday baskets, much to the enjoyment of those who are usually the ones doing the giving! Each basket had a small card featuring a note signed by a Resident, thanking the benefactor for the great generosity that sustains St. Mary’s Home.
Special Thanks